Poster Presentations
Poster Board size: 50 cm wide x 70 cm high (portraitstyle)
Please ensure that the poster does not exceed the stated size.
Each poster will be displayed for half day. Presenters should check the symposium program to learn the presatation time and place ( poster board number)
Posters should be mounted from 9 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 6 pm on the day which they are scheduled to be presented and must be removed by the end of the session.
Posters should be brought to the congress by the presenters. Please do not mail them to the Secretariat.
The organizers are not responsible for any posters that have not been removed by the end of their sessions
Instructions for the preparation of Posters
Posters may be prepared on one sheet (preferred method) or alternatively on several smaller sheets.
It is recommended that your poster would be 50 cm wide x 70 cm high (portraitstyle)
Allocate top part of the poster for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract.
The text, illustrations, etc should be big enough to be read from a distance of one meter.
Double-sided tape will be available in the poster area to hang posters.
You can download a sample poster by clicking the link below. This example of poster has been prepared in order to participant have an idea about the poster view(especially for font size) , design of the posters belongs to presenters

Click here to download the Symposium Logo (high resolition) in order to put yor poster or oral presentations.